fit pregnancy · Pregnancy · pregnant running

Maybe you can believe all you read…

IMG_1677So I along with tons and tons of other women (and maybe men) have downloaded the “what to expect when you are expecting” app for my phone. It gives little tid bits each day and gives a week overview of what is going on with you and the baby. It also compares your baby to a fruit. This week it says my baby is the size of a watermelon. I usually think of watermelon as being a pretty huge fruit, so I am thinking this baby is more like soccer ball, not a massive watermelon. OK I know a soccer ball is not a fruit but I cannot think of any soccer ball sized fruit out there. I guess maybe a small pumpkin would suffice if I must stick with the fruit theme.

The other day I was reading about my 20093485930 day of pregnancy, or what it seems like anyway, and the title was “Fit Mommy, Happy Baby”. (pictured above) I must be honest and say I sometimes take these little daily tid bits with a grain of salt but this one I do find to be true and wanted to share with all other pregnant and trying to stay fit moms out there. Looking back on Sweet Baby Ray ((who is ONE today!!!)) I can say she meets all the criteria– she did start sleeping through the night fairly early and consistently, can easily soothe herself and is an all around even-tempered, fun loving little girl! I do not know if I can contribute all those awesome features from exercising through my pregnancy with her but it does at least match up. I am now 36 weeks and have 3 more weeks to go till my scheduled c section. I guess I can give a more accurate assessment of the correlation of exercising and baby behavior once #2 gets here. I feel very thankful that I have been able to keep moving through this pregnancy and do encourage anyone out there who is not sure if they should keep exercising because of being pregnant to do it! Listen to your body, your doctor but most of all remember: you cannot take care of something else if you do not take care of yourself first!

Now if only the weather would cooperate so me and my little stroller buddy could log some more miles!!!!!

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